Our Statement of Core Values include:
Environmental Stewardship of our soil, air, and water
Access to safe food and healthy public spaces and natural resources
Transparency in politics and governance
Ending the stranglehold of the existing two-party duopoly
Promotion of peaceful dialogue on pressing issues between Americans of all walks of life
Halting corporate influence in politics and governance
Ending and preventing wars, redirecting excessive foreign military aid to domestic affairs
Securing our borders while expanding safe, legal immigration
Support of constitutional rights/freedoms
Restoring quality of life to the middle class, marginalized communities, and our veterans
Prison reform and the implementation of healing rehabilitative farming programs
Medical freedom, bodily autonomy, and solving our chronic disease epidemic
Protection of our Bill of Rights and expression free speech
Equitable political participation including fair ballot access and upholding of human rights
Honesty as the foundation of trust and accountability in governance